RABDF College Lecturers' Day 2011

The 2011 RABDF College Lecturers' Day was held on Tuesday 15th February 2011 at Harper Adams University College, Newport.18 delegates representing 11 agricultural colleges located throughout the UK were brought up to speed with the latest developments in the dairy sector at the Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers’ annual college lecturers' day, this year hosted by Harper Adams University College. 

The event, specifically designed for agricultural lecturers, featured a series of presentations examining the current challenges facing the dairy industry. 

The day featured the following presentations:

  • Bovine TB – Where are we now? Carl Padgett, Farm Animal Vet Surgeon and President Elect of British Veterinary Association (BVA)      
  • The Mastitis Control Plan - Kate Cross, Knowledge Transfer Product Manager, DairyCo      
  • Advances in Calf Nutrition - Dr Jessica Cooke, Young Animal Technical Specialist, Volac  
  •  Transition Cow Management - Bryn Davies, Advanced Ruminant Nutrition       
  • Genomics - Marco Winters, Director of MDC Breeding+, DairyCo   
  • How the Modern Dairy Farmer Survives - Chris King, 2010 RABDF/NMR Gold Cup Winner
  • The Consumers Perception of Dairy Farming - Amanda Ball, DairyCo  
  • Update on Common Veterinary Issues - Ian Baker, Veterinary Surgeon