Young Farmers & Students — The Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers (RABDF)

 Young Farmers and Students

RABDF runs a series of courses and awards to help support young farmers and those associated with the dairy industry throughout their careers.

Entrepreneurs in Dairying 

Entrepreneurs in Dairying is a training programme for aspiring dairy producers organised by the Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers in collaboration with The Andersons Centre, AHDB Dairy and the NFU.

Now in its eleventh year, the course has seen over 400 applicants complete it, all from varying backgrounds within or related to the industry.  

The course has been integral to the students, providing them with the contacts and connections to go on and establish their own businesses, whether it be share partnerships, joint ventures, tenancies or development of their existing businesses.

For more information, click here


Education and Training Directory

RABDF has worked with universities and higher education institutes across the UK to develop and Education and Training Directory listing all the courses specific for those interested in dairy farming and the industry. To view the list, click here