Entrepreneurs in Dairying

Entrepreneurs in Dairying is a business training programme for aspiring dairy producers organised by the Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers in collaboration with The Andersons Centre, AHDB Dairy and the NFU. 

Now in its twelfth year, the course has seen over 450 applicants complete it, all from varying backgrounds within or related to the industry.  

The course provides commercial experience and learnings in people development, financial skills, business management, taxation and business structures including partnerships, joint venture and tenancies.

Applications are now open for the 2024 programme, which starts in October. It is open to anyone involved in, or looking to be involved in, the dairy industry. Please note there is limited spaces per co-hort and applicants should 20 years old or over.

Forms are available to download below and costs £550+VAT.

Applications must be submitted by 30 August 2024. There are a handful of subsidised spaces available, if this is of interest, please contact romanymarshall@rabdf.co.uk for further information.

The 2024 Programme

1.      Understanding the Milk Market and Milk Products

2.      Future Opportunities for Entrepreneurs, online - Tony Evans (Andersons)

3.      People Management

4.      Finance Course, face-to-face - Tony Evans (Andersons). (Split into 2 sessions on subsequent days – this will require travel to a central venue and an overnight stay at additional cost)

5.      Business Planning and Funding - sponsored by HSBC

6.      Tax, Trading Structures and Succession + Farm Walk

7.   Final 2-day session hosted face-to-face - (this will require an overnight stay at additional cost)

Dairy product branding and consumer trends,

Working towards Net Zero and Dairy Farming in the environment

“Learning from the journey of past entrepreneurs”

During the course you will be visiting and hearing from successful dairy farmers, processors and retailers.

Face to face sessions will run for the full day. Online sessions will usually run between 10am and 12.30pm.

2024 Dates & Details

Participants should apply for the course based on their location and they will run as follows:

First session: TBC (all cohorts)

Wales, Midlands & Eastern:

Dates: TBC

South, South West & South East:

Dates: TBC

North, Scotland and Northern Ireland:

Dates: TBC

Final session: TBC (all cohorts).

Cost £550 + VAT

If you have any questions about the course or would like more information on Entrepreneurs in Dairying please contact romanymarshall@rabdf.co.uk

How to apply

Complete and return an application form by clicking on the button below:

Please send completed applications to romanymarshall@rabdf.co.uk by the 30 August 2024.

Programme Organisers

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