Will and Katy Fox are tenant farmers on a Hampshire county council farm just south of Reading. They have been on the farm for 8 years and made many improvements to the grazing and grassland. Will recently won Young Farmer of the Year at the Cream Awards.
Farm Walk, Soil health and grazing system at Lyde Green farm: Will Fox.
Grazing systems, grassland management and maintaining grass quality: Rosie Miller, Trouw Nutrition.
For further information and to book your place, please contact:
Jane Cugnet, Heygates jcugnet@Heygates.co.uk Tel: 01604 833250 / 07860 716806
Date: Tuesday 24th April
Time: 10:00am to 12noon
Venue: Lyde Green Farm, Rotherwick, Hampshire, RG27 9BH,
Please bring wellies and a coat. Refreshments are kindly being provided by Heygates.