Livestock farming: Key things you need to know before the UK leaves the EU

The Government has issued the following fact sheet for livestock farmers:

The Government remains focused on ensuring a smooth and orderly withdrawal from the EU, with a deal, as soon as possible.

An extension has been agreed with the EU until 31 October 2019 at the latest, with the option to leave earlier as soon as a deal has been ratified. If a deal is ratified by both sides before that date, the UK will leave the EU earlier and in that case would leave with a deal.

The Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has continued to prepare and consider the key issues for its stakeholders under all Brexit scenarios.

We have prepared this guide to help ensure that farmers and food producers know what they can do to prepare. The preparation work at Defra, from maintaining trade continuity to ensuring that EU workers can still travel to the UK to work on our farms, is significant.

We would ask you to share this within your networks and with stakeholders, to help the farming and wider agriculture sector to prepare for when the UK leaves the EU.

We will also continue to update our advice on how people should prepare at

Find out how Metcalfe Farms focus on progression for succession at open day

This year’s NMR/RABDF Gold Cup Open Day on 18 June is set to see record breaking crowds flock to North Yorkshire’s Metcalfe Farms – whilst in part this is down to the profile and success of the overall business there is no doubt that the impressive 1,300 pedigree Holstein herd and dynamic line up of speakers are also set to be a huge draw.