Royal Dairy Innovation Award 2019

Application form

Closing date for entries is 21st December 2018

Please complete the form below


By submitting this form, I confirm that I wish to enter the above product/service for the Royal Dairy Innovation Award 2019, subject to the conditions, a copy of which I have read and understood.  I further undertake to ensure that this entry form is returned to the RABDF by 21st December 2018 and it is accompanied by a description of the product/service and supporting documentation/evidence.  I accept that the decision of the judges shall be final.

Conditions of entry

  • The competition is open to any individual, research centre, educational establishment, agricultural organisation or trade exhibitors staging a specific demonstration/exhibit at Dairy-Tech 2019 (provided their entry complies with the conditions of the competition)

  • Entries making a claim for a new development/product must produce, with their entry, evidence/trial results for the judges to evaluate

  • A company/individual may only make a single entry which must be displayed at Dairy-Tech 2019

  • Information on all products/services must be submitted to RABDF for confirmation of eligibility

  • The selected finalists will be judged at Dairy-Tech and will be expected to give a presentation/demonstration in the Innovation Hub at an allocated time. The results will be announced at Dairy-Tech.

  • Entries, for which no fee is payable, must be submitted on the official entry form and signed by a senior representative of the organisation concerned

  • Each entry must be accompanied by a detailed description of the exhibit along with supporting literature, links to on-line demonstrations etc

  • The judges, appointed by the RABDF, will have a spread of expertise and knowledge covering both practical farming, research and development work, education and the commercial application and presentation of products. They will not be in anyway associated with the award entrants

The judges will award points as follows:

  • Contents of the product/service insofar as it promotes sound agricultural practice or technique in any aspect of dairy farming 40 points

  • Innovatory aspects of the exhibit (introductions of new ideas, systems or principles) 40 points

  • Effectiveness of presentation in attracting attention and communicating the principle, practice or system being promoted 10 points

  • Effectiveness of supporting literature or materials 10 points

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Total 100 points