RABDF launches Association of Robotic Milkers

A new dedicated online forum and series of activities for all those using or interested in robotic milking systems will be launched by the Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers on Wednesday 8 July at the Livestock Event, held at The NEC, Birmingham. 

Called the Association of Robotic Milkers (ARM), the forum is designed to provide access to a network of likeminded people with shared interests. It features a webpage for both new and current users of robotic equipment managed by RABDF which will provide members with the opportunity to discuss the latest equipment, ask questions and communicate  with others using automated systems. Forum access is granted only to ARM members and it will be moderated by RABDF, an independent consultant and robot users across the UK.

ARM is also scheduling a series of annual farm walks and a national conference.

ARM has been established following a feasibility study carried out by RABDF and gaining support from RABDF’s Foundation for Collaboration, the initiative funded by Government’s Dairy Fund package. 

RABDF national co-ordinator, Emily Egan said: “We are pleased to launch the Association of Robotic Milkers at a time when approximately one half of new dairy installations are robotic and interest in automated systems continues to gain momentum. The forum is designed to provide a discussion platform for farmers operating what is still relatively very new technology.”

Independent consultant,  Tim Gibson said: “The forum will provide a fantastic vehicle for farmers who frequently feel isolated in this fledgling sector; it will enable them to communicate with each other on issues from service support to cost of equipment, which in turn will be considered both independently and impartially. The forum will also provide members with an opportunity to benchmark both herd performance and costings.”

Further information from www.rabdf.co.uk/association-of-robotic-milkers 

Details of the launch can be found on the upcoming events page