Improving young stock performance:RABDF Youngstock farm walks: Torrington, Devon, 22 Sep; Osbaldeston, Lancashire 7 Oct

Livestock farmers can find out how to improve their young stock rearing at two focused farm walks; the first hosted by Jane and Phil Ashton, Peters Marland, Torrington, Devon on Tuesday 22 September, and the second by Chris and Erika Bargh, Osbaldeston, Lancashire on Wednesday 7 October.

Organised by the Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers and sponsored by Boehringer Engelheim, For Farmers, Volac and XLVets, the events will focus on calf diet management, health, welfare and housing. Speakers include representatives from the sponsors and farm buildings specialist, Jamie Robertson who will discuss managing air climate - keeping cold calves cosy but fresh.

There will also be an opportunity to tour the hosts’ respective calf units. The Ashtons manage a 180 cow autumn block calving Jersey herd, calves are reared in igloos, heifers are weighed at frequent intervals from birth to ensure they are on target to reach 250kg to 280kg for service in order to calve at 23 to 24 months. The Bargh family run a 125 cow all year round calving black and white herd, calves are group housed and reared on an automatic feeding system, post weaning they remain in groups until calving when they enter the adult herd which is milked by a robotic system.

RABDF chief executive, Nick Everington commented: “Farmers are focusing attention on rearing youngstock to enable their replacement heifers to calve at an optimum age and in turn realise their true potential. These two events are designed to provide all producers with information which will helps them realise their targets and in turn step up overall herd performance and efficiency.”

 To reserve a free place, please go to or phone 0845 458 2711