Resilience in Adversity Women in Dairy conference speaker Heather Wildman

Speakers at the annual Women in Dairy conference will be sharing wide ranging solutions to manage the raft of challenges within the sector.

Saviour Associates’ Heather Wildman previews her presentation communication, how to influence and motivate change. 

Resilience – ability to hold shape and bounce back
Who are? What are you? Where do you want to be? What do you not want to be?  These questions are as relevant for bringing up children, communicating within a family/business or running a multi-million pound corporate company.

You need a vision, turn that vision in to a plan then strategically map out how you are going to achieve every step, what could go wrong, how will you address this?  Setting time lines to review progress.  This is also a great opportunity to look back at what has been achieved, maybe have a reward or to tweak and amend the next stage.

Communication- how do you share your vision, how do you get people on board, is it through a diagram, a map, words, targets, books, or a practical visit so they can see for themselves?

Collaboration- life is often a lonely place, build and surround yourself with positive people. Broaden your network and your outlook, keep learning, accept change, and keep perspective, there is always another day and another way. And most importantly look after No1, exercise, protect your time and your mind.