Assistance To Support The Rural And Animal Welfare Workforce In Scotland

The Scottish Government has asked Lantra Scotland to set-up and operate a skills matching service to help fill any shortages in the rural and animal welfare workforce in Scotland that may arise during the Covid-19 crisis. 

In the current crisis the Scottish Government and key agricultural, animal welfare and zoological organisations are working with Lantra Scotland to try to reduce any potential risks to animal welfare.  In particular, there are significant concerns about probable shortages of workers with the necessary key skills to help with lambing and calving.  It is also likely that zoos, breeding centres, liveries, animal rescue centres and animal welfare organisations will face labour problems if staff or volunteers become infected and/or need to self-isolate. 

The 3 key elements of this skills matching service will be:

  • to identify any businesses or organisations in Scotland who have animal welfare responsibilities that have a labour deficit that prevents or limits them meeting the required standards;

  • to identify those with the required skills and/or qualifications in animal welfare who are currently available to assist other businesses or organisations who require either additional or replacement labour during this emergency.

  • for the above to register their labour needs, skills and availability with Lantra Scotland who will undertake the matching of business or employer needs with the most appropriate individuals and put them in contact.

If your organisation or any members of your staff are interested in participating, please register your interest on the skills matching service operated by Lantra at  Find out more by contacting Lantra Scotland on 01738 310164 or emailing