5 Key Questions to Ask When Choosing the Correct Farm Footprinting Tool

26 June 2023

5 Key Questions to Ask When Choosing the Correct Farm Footprinting Tool

Experts at last week’s (21 June) record-attended Down to Earth South event emphasised the need for farmers to measure what they were doing regarding soil management and to use the correct tools.

Sajjad Awan, Soil and Crop Nutritionist at NRM, said out of all the soil analyses they do, only a quarter are on target for pH, phosphorous and carbon.

"If the pH isn't right, nothing you do to your soil will help you achieve the target," he said.

He added that only by looking at data from the past 20 years to look at trends could farmers genuinely see in which direction they were heading.

But choosing the correct tool is important, and Professor John Gilliland, Consultant at AHDB, offered some advice on what to look for when selecting the right footprint calculator, acknowledging the variation between different ones.

He said: "There are five questions I would ask myself when choosing a footprint calculator, which are:

1. Is it independent?

2. Is it accredited?

3. Does it count GWP and GWP*?

4. Is it counting carbon sequestration?

5. Is it associated with a key agricultural institution?

"There are only one or two calculators I know of that meet these tests," he added.

Prof Gilliland also said for farmers wishing to make improvements to reach net zero, the low-hanging fruit was to tackle Nitrogen.

More regen learning at Down to Earth North

Professor Gilliland will speak more on net zero at Down to Earth North on 6 July in Cumbria.

Down to Earth North will be hosted by Mark and Jenny Lee, true converts of regenerative farming, milking 175 milking crossbred cows, which are mob-grazed on a 30–40-day rotation. They graze areas of silvopasture, have pigs and chickens in the rotation and are reaping the rewards for their herbal leys.

Visitors to Down to Earth North will see first-hand the benefits of regenerative farming on their farm with farm walks throughout the day. There is a whole suite of talks and practical demonstrations on regenerative farming covering everything from the benefits, to what regenerative farming means for different systems, including case studies and practical ways to improve your farm's sustainability.

More information on Down to Earth North, event timings and speakers can be found at projectdowntoearth.co.uk


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Sarah Alderton, farmgatemedia@outlook.com, 07739969198