Note from Matt - December 2020

As some may be winding down for Christmas the opposite is true at RABDF with operation Dairy-Tech Online in full swing.

We are in the process of finalising the exciting line-up for the fortnight of activity which kicks off on 3 February and runs until 17th. It is jam packed with some great speakers and topics and we hope you will agree there is something for everyone in there.

One of the things going virtual has enabled us to do is access more overseas speakers, which we are really excited about.  Farmers love hearing from other farmers and peer to peer learning is often said to be one of the greatest ways to learn. The plan is to have farmers speaking from the US, South Africa and New Zealand on topics ranging from technology, large scale dairying and grazing.

The timetable will be available to view soon on the Dairy-Tech website  so do keep posted. There will also be an event guide out in January’s edition of British Dairying as well as previews in the main farming publications.

We are also going full steam ahead with our dairy labour survey. The short 10-minute survey running until the end of December will be used to gauge the severity of the labour issue on UK dairy farms and will form the basis from which solutions can be found.

It is important as an industry we are proactive about how we encourage more people into the sector and retain them. 

Your input to this survey is invaluable and the more respondents we can get the more accurate and informative the data will be. As a result, we are offering those completing the survey the opportunity to be entered into a prize draw to win £150 worth of Amazon Vouchers.   The survey can be accessed at

That is all from me this month. Stay safe and happy!
