Note from Matt - March 2022

Spring is now officially here and with that comes great optimism for the months ahead. It feels like we are entering the final stages of the pandemic with rules being relaxed. We are also seeing milk price increases, with record average prices set for butter and Cheddar at the Global Dairy Trade (GDT) auction last month (15 Feb).

It's believed the increase is mainly due to the strengthening in global commodity prices, with some predicting we may see prices hitting 40ppl for those supplying the likes of Arla and M&S. It's about time the industry deserves some good news!

We also heard last month the Government will help fund improvements in the health and welfare of livestock, including fully-funded vet visits and grants to improve conditions for livestock.

The financial support programme under the Animal Health and Welfare Pathway will be based around key animal health and welfare priorities, which for dairy cattle includes reducing mastitis and lameness. Animal Health and Welfare Grants will be launched within the next year and we expect to hear more on the fully funded vet visits soon.

A bit of a blow to the optimism was the BBC Panorama programme that aired on Valentine's Day, which showed several cases of animal abuse and questioned cow and calf welfare in the UK. 

Whilst the abuse witnessed on a Welsh farm was inexcusable, it is sad the BBC chose to focus on this when most UK dairy farmers operate to some of the highest welfare standards in the world.

The focus on self-sufficiency is likely to come to the fore again in the coming weeks and months as Russia begins its absurd invasion of Ukraine. Whilst this will and in some cases is already impacting food, fuel and fertiliser prices, we must be thankful we are a nation that can produce food.

Whilst we are far from being 100% self-sufficient, world events like the pandemic and Russia's full-scale invasion against its European neighbour indeed press home the importance of not relying on imports. UK agriculture will inevitably be affected by this news, but the question is for how long and to what extent.

It is a strange and unpredictable time we live in, but hopefully, the good times will continue coming for the UK dairy industry!

We hope to see lots of you next month for Dairy-Tech on 7th April. This year we are hosting a special Members' breakfast on the Barclays stand from 8.15am, so if you are attending, please get yourself along and come and say hi.

Wishing you all the best,
