Note from Robert - September 2024

September has been a positive month at RABDF, beginning with the announcement of our new CEO, Hayley Campbell-Gibbons, who will be joining us in November.

With over 20 years’ experience in agricultural policy and leadership, Hayley has served as Chief Dairy Adviser for the National Farmers' Union (NFU) and, most recently, as Head of Sustainability at Kite Consulting. She has also held several non-executive director roles, including at AHDB, and is currently a board member of the Food Standards Agency.

We are confident Hayley will lead RABDF into a strong position of influence and growth, enhancing our ability to impact policy decisions and continue being a vital voice for UK dairy farmers.

This month, we also marked the 10th anniversary of Women in Dairy at the annual conference in Warwickshire. The event was full of optimism for the future of farming, with plenty of idea-sharing and thought leadership. The day’s highlight was the crowning of Anna Bowen as Dairy Industry Woman of the Year.

Anna, a new entrant to the industry and a Nuffield Scholar, works as a consultant for The Andersons Centre, specialising in dairy and nutrient management planning. She also works alongside her husband in a contract farming agreement and shares insights into dairy farming with a growing social media following.

Anna was recognised for her dedication to helping other women break into the industry, despite the obstacles they may face, by being visible and active in spaces where women are often underrepresented. A huge well done to Anna.

Looking ahead, we will soon be announcing a call for new product launches at Dairy-Tech 2025. If you’re planning to launch a product, or know a company who is, don’t miss this opportunity! The launch includes a dedicated press event and a feature in the official Dairy-Tech guide. Stay tuned to our website and social channels for more details.

Best wishes,
