Improving young stock performance

Livestock farmers can find out how to improve their young stock rearing at a farm walk hosted by Kevin and Ann Jones at Bryn Mawr, Northop, Flintshire on Wednesday 15 April. Organised by the Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers, supported by DairyCo and XL Vets and sponsored by Boehringer Inglehiem, ForFarmers and Volac, the event will focus on calf nutrition, health, welfare and accommodation.
The Jones who manage a 280 cow high input Holstein Friesian herd will discuss their calf rearing strategy and how they put in to practice their firm belief that the first few weeks of life hugely influence an animal’s lifetime performance. Ann Jones, who is assisted by a dedicated calf rearer, will explain the heifer rearing unit’s management details before presentations on feeding for growth, how to measure for success, managing air climate, dealing with scours plus Johne’s and BVD control.

RABDF chief executive, Nick Everington said: “This event is the first of a series staged on farms throughout the UK designed to provide information for all cattle farmers to enable them to improve overall performance within their beef and dairy calf rearing units and ultimately within the adult herd.”