The Worthy Way – how to achieve success when faced with unique challenges

RABDF NMR Gold Cup winner, Michael Eavis will be opening his Glastonbury farm gates twice this year and the first time will be to farmers on Wednesday 6 May.

Organised by the Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers, the event will provide producers with the opportunity to find out how the award winning herd is achieving an average 12,535 litres, and take a look at recent investments including starling proof cattle sheds, recycled drinking trough water, on-farm solar panels providing 60% of the farm’s electricity and sustainable village accommodation.
Michael Eavis will start the day with an introduction to the farm and the festival followed by presentations on the herd’s nutrition, use of genomics, and health management in particular Johne’s together with some crystal ball gazing on its future. Foot trimming demonstrations will take place throughout the day.

RABDF chief executive, Nick Everington: “This event offers all dairy farmers a unique opportunity not to be missed - to step outside the box, consider some new thinking as well as collect information, ideas and no nonsense practical advice to keep their business firmly on track whilst operating in an extremely volatile marketplace.”